Saturday, March 6, 2010

Random Neural Firings

There comes a time in every writer’s life when, as a responsible thinker, he has to answer the question:

how do you tell someone, in an intellectual manner, that his organ is peeking out?

I’ve recently been asked this by a friend, who was, apparently, looking for a serious answer, adding that she was looking into this with heavy intellectual and scientific underpinnings. Naturally, this lead me to pose some heavily philosophical questions to myself such as:


But that was not a very good question to posit at the time, that “what.” That was the kind of question that would lead my friend to think that I could not use all my journalism training to tell a guy “hey, your peter is loose,” in an intellectual manner. That will not sit well with a long line of journalists that I admire, such as Fareed Zakaria, who can break down global events in less time than it takes most people to brush their teeth, and can tell a dozen guys that their dumbsticks are hanging out while sounding like Stephen Hawking.

So putting my fancy Journ training to good use, I advised her that the best way to say something like that is:

“Is that a pen in your pocket, or are you just happy to see someone?”

Nope. No dice. Apparently, this did not have enough intellectual and scientific underpinnings. So me, I got nothing. How would you say it?


I moved out of Frisco a few months back. I’ve been trying to find my early thoughts on this but so far, all I have is this snippet.

I stare at the DVDs. I tell myself not to, but they call out to me, both sets of them, the way a comforting blanket of a forest does to a weary traveler on his way to keep promises, except nowhere nearly as poetic.

Also, instead of a traveler, there was a guy searching for bean bags. And instead of a blanket of a forest, there was the “Fifthly season of Alias.”


I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, but I just had a host of things to do, mostly due to Divisoria bean bags. Okay, the bean bags are usually in front of a gaming console, and a lot of the time, I’m not alone. Ban, my brother, my cousin, various other guests -we’ve been playing Resident Evil, Fight Night, Shadow of the Colossus, Devil Kings, Final Fantasy, the whole nine yards. Also, when I’m not parked on top of the trusty bean bags, I’m usually in front of my PC, reading Sandman and House of M. Or watching House – sadly, Divisoria’s Fifthly season of Alias, or The Alias Five Season, as another store calls it – will have to wait.

I’ve always been a geek, but since moving out, I’ve been spending far more time geeking out. Geeking out’s been far easier, for a host of reasons, like a comforting blanket of a forest- oh, wait.


  1. I'd have said:

    That peculiar phallus-like protrusion is quite becoming of you. Did you lose weight?


  2. Could have really used this a while back... wonder if it has enough underpinnings.
